• If you are under 18, LEAVE. I block people who have no indication of their age in their profile somewhere.

  • Do not interact or follow me if you condone or like pedo/underage, zoo/beastiality, rape, incest, shit like that.

  • Do not ask me to draw my (trans men) ocs pregnant. Nothing wrong with it, but I personally don't draw it and still get pregnancy comments.


  • I draw porn with cis and trans characters (pre op and post op). I'm a trans man so you'll find a lot of trans men art here.

  • I draw nsfw of humans and furries.

  • There's sometimes drug & alcohol depictions in my art. I tag it accordingly such as tw drugs, tw weed, and tw alcohol.



Danny -- Prince -- Em

Em -- Danny -- Prince

Danny & Prince

Danny (he/him, 22) and Prince (he/him, 23) 'met' in elementary school but only as passing faces in the halls. They were acquaintances and shared few words between one another in the short time that Danny attended. Danny moved away to Texas in the 2nd grade when his family purchased several acres of farmland. His relationship to his family is a strained one, they were really abusive and so when Danny was 19 he moved out and at 20 he moved back to Brooklyn.

He and Prince met at a mutual friends party and chatted a bit, but it was only months later at another mutual hangout where they really started talking and became friends. They'd frequently hang together with their friend group and eventually started hanging out just the two of them as well. They got together on a morning trail run where Danny kissed Prince as they were resting under the shade.

Prince & Princess

Prince and Princess (he/him atm, 23) go way back to the 9th grade. They met in highschool and became best friends the second they met. Princess's real name is Em (short for Emmanuel), though the nickname Princess grew in popularity for him because of how much of a notorious duo he and Prince were. They hung out constantly and were major support systems for one another as they were growing up and experimenting. As an adult, he went back to being called Em, though Prince is the only one to call him Princess still. Even after highschool the two are still like glue and always make time for one another.

Princess is a spoiled rich kid. He's a trust fund baby and has a gorgeous luxury apartment. He had a baby crush on Prince in highschool and it grew a lot in adulthood when Prince began to workout. Ever since then he enjoys pampering him, though Prince doesn't let him go too wild with spending. While he does have a crush on him, Princess isn't looking to date, so they'll always be best friends before anything else.

Danny & Em

Danny and Em (he/they, current) got off to a bad start. Em had a nasty attitude with Danny when they met, because he viewed Danny as a threat and got jealous over the time he spent with Prince. Danny, who is quick to confront and doesn't take shit, met him with a nasty attitude back. Prince would sometimes try to de-escalate when they were all together.

Typically, their fights would go in the order of Em flirting with Prince (they have a flirty, playful nature sometimes, but Princess would make this flirting very excessive), Danny would get pissed off over Em trying to provoke him, Danny would yell at him, Em would yell at him, and they would go at it until they wore themselves out or someone distracted them. However, Em once took one of their fights a little too far with his insults and it set Danny off to the point that he and Em got rough. Prince had to physically intervene to break them up, and got into an argument with the both of them, pissed at Princess for always opening his damn mouth and for Danny swinging the first hit. Afterwards, everyone went home to cool down their heads.

Danny and Prince went a few days without talking before they sorted themselves out. Once they did, Danny reached out to Em to address him next. He was angry and didn't like him, but wasn't looking to fight again after sorting things with Prince, so he told him to fuck off for all the meddling he's done but said he'll try to be peaceful for Prince if Em lays off and tries too. Em agreed, they talked a bit more to clear the air, and their conflict resolved. Em was impressed...and kind of attracted to the way Danny told him off. After they made up, the two never seriously fought again and Em's little crush on Danny blossomed.

At first it pissed Danny off when Em started to get more buddy-buddy with him, and would get annoyed by his flirting, but they didn't truly provoke one another anymore. Danny, Prince, and Em started to be able to hang out without being at each others throats, and Danny warmed up to Em. He came to get used to and understand that Em's flirtiness meant no harm and was just his way of being playful. To other people, it may seem like they don't get along because they still 'bicker', but they (and Prince) know that they're just messing around and being funny.

In getting to know Danny, Em has found themselves more confident as they've become friends. Em feels encouraged and now goes by he/they pronouns! Danny, Prince, and Princess's relationship improve a lot over time, later on developing into a casual sexual one, where they sometimes have threesomes....teehee